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  发布时间:2024-05-06 19:42:05   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Photo: Screenshot from onlineAs US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen continued her journey to China wi china convoluted ptfe braided hose manufacturers。
Photo: Screenshot from online

Photo: Screenshot from online

 As US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen continued her journey to China with the aim at improving US-China ties this china convoluted ptfe braided hose manufacturersweek, what drew massive public attention was her first meal and her skillful use of chopsticks at a local Cantonese restaurant.

A video clip released by Central China Television shows Yellen wielding the chopsticks while sitting at a round table inside the time-honored Cantonese restaurant Tao Tao Ju. Related hashtags such as "Yellen's first meal in a Cantonese restaurant" has accumulated over 3.7 million views so far.

According to local newspaper Guangzhou Daily, Yellen's first dinner after she landed in Guangzhou, formerly known as Canton, South China's Guangdong Province, on Thursday involved a selection of iconic dishes including century-old roast goose, chilled sweet and sour pork, crispy tofu, and an assortment of Cantonese dim sum, featuring Tao Tao Ju's renowned shrimp dumplings and red rice sausage.

The staff at Tao Tao Ju, the esteemed restaurant nestled in the heart of Guangzhou's Tianhe district, noted her adeptness in using chopsticks and her preference for an open dining setting.

"She insisted in sitting in the hall area instead of the private room in the hope of experiencing more of the atmosphere here," a staff member added, according to the newspaper. "And she ordered very representative Cantonese dishes."

Tao Tao Ju, a chain restaurant with a legacy spanning over a century, has welcomed esteemed guests such as Chinese writers Lu Xun and Ba Jin and painter Liu Haisu, enriching its storied history with moments of cultural significance.

Yellen also savored the restaurant's signature shrimp dumplings, skillfully handcrafted by the restaurant's chefs. Each dumpling, intricately folded with 13 pleats and generously filled with succulent shrimp, bamboo shoots, and a blend of lean and fatty pork, showcased the culinary finesse synonymous with Cantonese dim sum culture.

Among the culinary highlights was chilled sweet and sour pork, an innovative reinterpretation of a classic dish. Beneath a translucent layer of ice, the pork glistened with freshness, boasting a delightful juxtaposition of textures and temperatures - a testament to Tao Tao Ju's commitment to culinary innovation while honoring tradition.

In August 2023, during Yellen's trip to Beijing, a delicious mushroom dish from Southwest China served during her meal at Jian Shou Qing also captured netizens' interest, with the hashtag "US Treasury Secretary Yellen's first meal in Beijing is Yunnan food" once trending on social media.

Global Times


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